Autism most common disability in 15-24 age bracket in Australia
A recent National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) report found that autism was the most common disability group in Australia in the surveyed age bracket of 15 to 24 years.
The NDIA published its Young Adults in the NDIS report on the experiences of young adult participants under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to help track progress and sculpt a better future using the results.
As part of the Agency’s public data release schedule the report about the experiences of Young Adults in the NDIS focuses on those aged between 15 and 24, using data as of June 30 this year.
The Agency worked with these young adult NDIS participants to understand and measure information about them, their experiences with the NDIS, and the progress they are making with their plan goals.
Key information covered in the report for 15-24-year-olds showed 35,821 active participants (7.7% of the Scheme) were aged 15 to 18 years old and that 38,392 active participants (8.2% of the Scheme) were aged 19 to 24 years.
The report published that autism was the most common disability group, followed by intellectual disability.
From 19-24 years old, there is also a shift towards having a work-related goal, with more than 56% of participants in this group identifying their interest in finding employment.
This report covered:
- Participant characteristics, such as their disability type, gender and background.
- Participant experience, such as how long they waited to access the Scheme, eligibility, leaving the Scheme, how they manage their plans, number of complaints and number of review requests.
- Supports and payments, such as how much support they have in plans, the amount used and payments made.
- Participant goals and outcomes.
- The experiences of families and carers.
- Results from the NDIA’s Participant Satisfaction Survey (PSS).
Read the full report here.
The report also published findings about the 0-14 age bracket which showed that as of June 30 last year, there were 159,796 young people aged 0-14 in the scheme with approved plans and a further 8197 children in this age group receiving initial support through the Early Childhood Education pathway, which supports children aged 0-7 years old.
Also as of June 30, 2020, almost $4 billion in annualised support was committed to young people aged 0 to 14 years.
The NDIA regularly releases data and information about the NDIS progress. Releasing data to the public is part of the NDIA’s commitment in the NDIS Participant Service Charter to be transparent.