Big welcome to Perth Disability Connection Expo 2022 naming sponsor St Jude’s!

With nearly 40 years of experience supporting people in the disability sector, St Jude’s is the most trusted NDIS provider organisation in Western Australia and Queensland.

As major sponsor for Perth’s 2022 Connection Expo on May 20 and 21 at the Perth Convention and exhibition Centre, St Jude’s is a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider.

Developing Australian Communities co-founder Mike Clark was excited to have St Jude’s on board.

“We’re so thrilled to be working with one of the most established and well known companies within the Disability Sector in Western Australia,” he said.

“They have a long standing history of high service standards and we have some great ideas of how to make the expo interactive, engaging and a must-attend event.”

St Jude’s delivers essential residential aged care, disability services, home care and mental health services to the community.

The company’s residential aged care facility, Guildford Aged Care Facility | Nursing Home , is a dementia-specific, purpose-built nursing home nestled in historic Guildford.

With spacious accommodation, state-of-the-art facilities and lush gardens for our residents to explore, Guildford Village is suitable for people requiring aged care and dementia or palliative care.

St Jude’s’ Aged Care Perth | Premium NDIS Aged Care services offer several options such as assistance with personal care, meal preparation, cleaning, assisted travel, garden and home maintenance, medication support and nursing care.

Their Clinical Services Mental Health service supports include accommodation and recovery-focused capacity building.

The full range of services cover an extensive area, including: clinical, medical and allied health services – which can be provided both in-house or through external centres.

The organisation’s NDIS Services offer a wide range of programs including Supported Accommodation, Independent Living Options, Specialist Disability Accommodation and NDIS Supported Independent Living, short-term accommodation, Respite CareTherapy and Support and Plan Coordination.

St Jude’s is certainly fulfilling its purpose to maximise the health, enjoyment, and quality of life of people seeking support in the community.

Catch the team from St Jude’s at the Perth EXPO!

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