Government pledges $2m for MND research

The Federal Government has announced a $2 million investment  in research and development of new treatments to help find a cure for Motor Neurone Disease (MND).

In Australia, two people are diagnosed with MND, and two people die because of MND, every day.

The cause of MND is not yet understood and there is no known cure.

The funding, to be delivered over two years (2022-23 to 2023-24), will be provided to FightMND to invest in innovative projects seeking to discover and understand why MND occurs and what contributes to its progression.

MND is the name given to a group of diseases in which the nerve cells (neurones) controlling the muscles that enable us to move around, speak, swallow and breathe fail to work normally and eventually die.

With no nerves to activate them the muscles gradually weaken and waste. There is currently no truly effective treatment and no known cure

Co-founded by Neale Daniher in 2014, FightMND seeks to facilitate research projects to find effective treatments and ultimately a cure for MND.

So far, FightMND has provided opportunities for more than 500 Australians to participate in more than 11 clinical trials and 17 drug development projects.

According to FightMND, $55.8 million has been raised towards research since its inception in 2014.

The Federal Government’s recent pledge to contribute a further $2 million towards research builds on the $15.72 million in funding the Morrison Government has provided to FightMND for these projects over the last five years including:

  • $8.96 million from the Medical Research Future Fund
  • $1.96 million for the Motor Neuron Disease project – ‘Tecfidera trail’
  • $6 million for the National Precisions Medicine Program
  • $5.8 million to match funds raised at the Big Freeze at the ‘G’
  • $2 million for the ‘Delivery of Early-Phase Clinical Trial/s for Australians with Motor Neurone Disease Project 2021’.

Working closely with FightMND, the Morrison Government is committed to continuing investment in these ground-breaking research projects and clinical trials to find a cure for MND.

There is no cure, but a lot can be done to ease symptoms, maintain quality of life and keep people with MND as mobile as possible for as long as possible.

Most people with MND die within two to three years of developing the condition, however some people can live a long time.

To find out more about FightMND visit their website, and also check out Find services and support | MND Australia.

MND support to over 65s in SA

Meanwhile, the ABC has reported the SA Government has also committed $2.4 million for care provider Motor Neurone Disease SA (MNDSA) over the next four years.

That amount includes $500,000 a year to help over-65s get immediate support to a “multi-disciplinary team of health professionals”.

Another $100,000 a year will go towards rapid-access loans to enable access to equipment, including devices for breathing, mobility and communication.

“At any one time, there are 150 South Australians living with MND, it has a huge impact on them [and] their family members,” Health Minister Chris Picton said.

MNDSA CEO Karen Percival described the funding as a “game-changer for us”.

“It gives us certainty around staff planning, resource planning,” she said.

“[MND] is one of the worst conditions that doctors have to diagnose and one of the most expensive in terms of equipment.”

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