Q&A with Katrina Chilcott, payroll and human resources officer at Accessible Care & Lifestyle Services (ACALS)

A background in aged care, a passion for working with people living with a disability and a desire to change lives is what drew Accessible Care & Lifestyle Services (ACALS) payroll and human resources officer Katrina Chilcott to the disability sector and ACALS and also to our Sydney Disability Connection Expo 2022!

ACALS is one of our Gold sponsors at the expo and we asked Katrina to share her journey in the industry and her life with ACALS from her perspective as a valuable team member.

1. What drew you to ACALS and how long have you been with them? What sets this NDIS provider apart from the rest?

I’ve been with ACALS since November 2021.

I was drawn to them because it was my interest in working with people with disabilities. I transitioned from the aged care industry and ACALS opened up the opportunity to join their growing team and to utilise my skills.

What sets ACALS apart from the rest is that they are for the clients and work closely with workers to ensure that each service is carried out to its best potential.

ACALS admin, scheduling and intake as well as the finance team work well together with each other to make sure transparency, prompt services and personalised services are delivered to each individual.

2. If you had to pick just one thing ACALS does best – what would that be?

Teamwork and communication between the office staff regarding the clients and working together to ensure things run smoothly and if there are challenges that come across, we face them together.

3. What’s the best part of your job, and why? 

I like the way we find solutions to all situations; we have a great resolution focused team that make ACALS a pleasant place to work at.

4. Tell us a bit about yourself, in 100 words or so.

I have an administration background and have been working in admin teams since 2009. My last role was at an aged care facility and I worked there for eight years then moved to ACALS.

I am currently the HR and payroll officer and manage 100 team members both on the field and in the office.

In my leisure time, I enjoy going for walks at the beach, trying out new restaurants and cafes, catching up with friends and family, going to the market’s food tasting, and love coming back to work refreshed for the new week.

5. Will you be at the Sydney Disability Connection Expo 2022? Are you excited at the prospect of making potentially life-changing connections?

I am very excited to attend the Sydney Disability Connection Expo 2022 and always enjoy making life changing connections. I cannot wait to show NDIS participants what ACALS has to offer. We have prepared amazing materials, fun games and giveaways for the occasion.

6. How long have you been involved in the disability support industry? Tell us a little about you.

I have a great passion for the disability support industry and like to always be aware of what is happening in this environment. I have had firsthand experience dealing with disability as my sister herself has a disability and likes using her NDIS funding for capacity building, social support, she also receives support with daily activities, and support coordination.

We’ve supported my sister through her journey with the NDIS since 2018, however, we have been supporting her throughout her life. I am passionate about continuing to be up-to-date and informed about everything concerning disability services and the possibilities these present to everyone involved.

It sounds like Katrina is doing exactly what she is meant to – following her heart and her passion. Thanks for taking the time to talk to us – and we can’t wait to see how many connections you make at the Sydney expo!

To find out more about ACALS, look for them at site #159 at the Sydney Disability Connection Expo 2022, or visit their website https://www.acals.com.au/ for more information on their services.

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