Welcome aboard, Neta Care

Neta Care, one of our fabulous Early bird exhibitors for the Brisbane Disability Connection Expo 2023 works with clients, participants and allied health providers to deliver tailored mobile care services across the Greater Brisbane and Ipswich regions.

Neta Care would like you to be the hero of your story and as such are committed to helping you live the best, most independent life possible. Their array of services ensure your NDIS supports are provided promptly and accurately so you can focus on achieving your goals.

Helping you at home or out and about with your personal care, SIL/SDA, nursing services and household tasks, or even in areas of specialist support.

Amongst Neta Care’s suite of specialist services include; Support Coordination, Occupation Therapy, Speech and Language Pathology, Psychology and Counselling, Physiotherapy, Exercise Physiology, Dietetics, Social work and Mental Health, even Early Childhood intervention.

Born from the idea to improve lives, overcome obstacles, and connect people, Neta care’s story is a compilation of the people they’ve helped and the achievements they have witnessed. At Neta Care you are a part of the family.

Neta Care saw the challenges people were facing in the industry, juggling different services from different providers and stressing to coordinate everything. So, they changed their model to become more holistic, a one-stop health provider.

Believing that strength of community is in family and family helping each other, with every new client Neta Care considers their family to be growing.

You can meet the Neta Care and perhaps become a new member of their growing family by registering and attending the Brisbane Disability Connection Expo Friday 3 and Saturday 4 March 2023 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.

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