Building independence and confidence: Support Embrace Connect’s unique approach to care

Support Embrace Connect (SEC) started in January 2020, just before Covid 19 hit our shores, however that has not stopped them expanding at a remarkable rate going from one worker to now having 18 staff.

“At SEC we deliver outcomes because we are here for the outcomes for our participants. We do what we do because we care about our participants and work holistically with other care team supports to improve outcomes,” said Director Donna Poole.

When a worker starts with SEC they ensure they do shadow shifts and make certain they are a great fit for the client, matching things like demographics and interests to support the alignment of people that ultimately creates great ongoing relationships.

They also have a team support worker in a leadership role who works through the onboarding process for new workers. They have just hired a Manager. They produce monthly reports that keep everyone in the loop as to a client’s progress and status. This approach has been integral to their success over these last few challenging years.

SEC’s aim is to get their participants to NOT need to work with them anymore. They want them to be built up in terms of strength and confidence, nurtured in terms of development and to ultimately grow their own independence and move forward with their lives without reliance on a service to achieve their dreams.

One great example of this is a client who never left her apartment and now attends TAFE, has re-engaged with her family, and now they cannot keep her in her apartment such has her confidence and independence grown.

Director Donna has worked organisations in the past that didn’t have clarity on participants goals and aspirations and hence weren’t putting the right energy into the right things, something SEC believe is integral to delivering successful outcomes.

SEC also offers support to clients by sitting in their planning meetings to ensure their voice is heard and the real day to day experiences are factored into the process to deliver quality plans that meet client needs to the degree that is required.

SEC have big plans a decade into the future including offering respite housing to support both carer and clients and ambitions to move into other areas of care that deliver quality results for people in need of support and assistance.

Meet the team at SEC and hear all about their inclusive and individualised approach to care that could be exactly what you are looking for at the Melbourne Disability Connection Expo on the 21st and 22nd April.

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