Complex Care Made Easy

Meet Phil. He is incredible and the epitome of resilience given all he has dealt with.

He has high Cervical Spinal Cord Injury which resulted in Tetraplegia, leaving him unable to breathe without a mechanical ventilator.

He has absolutely no functional use of his arms or legs.

As if living with a head injury was not daunting enough, at the age of 62, he took an unexpected fall and broke his neck,  damaging his spinal cord and leaving him relying on a ventilator to help him breathe. As Phil describes it, “Shockwaves of fear rocked me as I wondered what life would look like for me from this point on, as the last hope of living any semblance of life flickered away…”

He was already paralysed from below the neck all the way down and was totally helpless. He had no other option but to let someone else make important decisions and come up with solutions for adequate care that would help him live his best life.

He was in hospital for what seemed like a lifetime and felt helpless as discussions occurred around him about accommodation that would meet his needs.

Trying to make sense of all this bureaucracy would have been difficult, even when there wasn’t a global pandemic occurring. Having the Covid-19 crisis on top of everything else took his worries to the extreme and left him languishing in limbo.

This was all occurring despite Phil having had his NDIS Plan approved and ready to go.

But a fortunate twist of fate drastically changed his challenging predicament when a chance mention of his complex situation was overheard by one of the team members from Alpha Carers Australia.

That was to prove to be an incredible turning point. With their vast experience and expertise, Alpha Carers Australia enabled Phil to be discharged from hospital due to their being already set up to provide complex care, including  therapy on site.

This smooth transition, which was completed within 2 weeks,  ensured an efficient move into their Northbridge complex for further interventions and treatments that would have ordinarily been conducted at a rehabilitation facility.

Alpha Carers Australia has a cross-section of skilled professionals making up their multidisciplinary team, to meet all Phil’s needs, including therapists specialising in different fields.

This specialised care has been further enhanced with their 24/7 on-site nursing and a doctor that conducts checks on his needs twice every week.

In the words of Phil, he cannot emphasise enough how Alpha Carers Australia have changed his life:

“I am residing, as they correctly claim, just a stone’s throw away from the city of Perth and many other amenities, and with Alpha Carers Australia’s tailored comprehensive packages, I am able to enjoy them. Their vast experience and expertise have resulted in me maintaining my NDIS Support Plan which has been running seamlessly over the years!  And I cannot fail to mention, that one of the best parts is that the whole atmosphere of hospital living was left behind when I entered Alpha Carers Australia, as it has truly proven to be “My home away from home!”

All my needs… and yes, as you can only imagine how they are plenty and very complex, are not too challenging for Alpha Carers Australia. They fill any gap that arises and get them completed effectively and efficiently! Remember at the beginning where I stated, “the last hope of living any semblance of life flickered away?” Well, thanks to Alpha Carers Australia, that is a distant memory and my candle is bright, as I now live life to the fullest of my ability!”

Alpha Carers Australia are a Major Sponsor of the Perth Disability Connection Expo, sponsored by St Jude’s NDIS. They are looking forward to meeting you to share how they can support you or your loved ones and fulfil their needs no matter how complex. Make sure to drop by and visit them at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre on 25th and 26th August Booth B11. Register here and save the dates!

Also, don’t miss out on learning more and experiencing the level of care that Alpha Carers Australia offers – register here for their Connectivity and Fun Day, where you can get a feel of their world at their Northbridge Complex. It will be fun, informative and it’s completely free! Don’t miss out!

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